Hello everyone!
So it's been 7 months since you last heard from me. And boy do I have a lot to tell you.
But I won't.
Not all of it at least. I'll just share some of the fun things.
Let's start with my catering job. I love it. It's $19 an hour and it's the easiest thing in the world. On top of that, I get to meet celebrities sometimes, I get a free meal, and I'm able to pick my hours day to day so I'm still able to audition whenever I want. Sure, it's not going to be a place where I can work my way up or save tons of money to buy a house or anything, but it's great for now.
Hmmm......what next? I guess I could explain the YouTube channel I started. Although I feel like the people that read this blog are the same people that watch my YouTube channel. Regardless, it's called 25andALIVE and I started filming on my birthday this May. I turned 25 this year and wanted to capture all the positive things that happen to me - no matter how big or small. It was a weekly project that lost its steam, but I'm motivated and will be filming episodes weekly again starting next week. I'm excited about it.
4th of July was exciting. I watched the fireworks on the Hudson river which was beautiful. It was so crowded. They blocked off a giant stretch of highway and it was shoulder to shoulder.
I was so happy to have gotten to visit home toward the end of July. I was able to see my family and just relax. I also make it a point to always stop at a Spangles when I visit home. There is something about their cheeseburgers and fries that I just can't get enough of.
Now that I'm back in New York I am gearing up for another busy Audition Season. It's hard to believe that I will have lived here for a year now starting in September. I've accomplished so much and I'm so excited to see what this next year has in store for me.
Thanks for all your prayers and support!